Kulpati Dr. K.M. Munshi:
His Mission & Vision
His Mission and Vision – Let me once more set forth the Bhavan’s faith for benefit of new students and members, for it is necessary that they should understand it clearly and imbibe its spirit.
The Bhavan stands for the reintegration of Indian culture. In a world falling to pieces under the impact of an amoral technological avalanche it tries to hold fast to the fundamental values for which our culture stands Rita, Sathyam, Yagnas and Tapas .
Faith in God who informs the Cosmic Order. Truth which is in accord with mind word and deed; Dedication which offers all movements of life as an offering to God; Sublimation which purifies the body and mind and transmutes instincts passions and emotions into things of beauty.
For these values are forefathers lived and died. So did Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami Dayanand, Swami Vivekananda, Gandhiji and Sri Aurobindo among the moderns. These values are embedded in a national outlook.
We command the respect of the world because of them. We can look forward to the future with confidence only because they have the vitality which gives the power to vindicate their validity even in this fear and avarice- ridden age of ours.

Bhavan’s Founder President
Kulpati K.M. Munshi
(December 30, 1887 to February 8, 1971)