It is our earnest endeavour to impart to children under our care, value – based education. Our mission is not only to make successful engineers, doctors, professionals, businessman etc. but also to shape up good human beings for great values to espouse and spread the threefold cherished aspects of Dharma – Satyam Shivam Sundaram. I pray for the internationalisation and universalization of these life -sustaining values. May God bless us all and endow us with the strength to achieve our noble goals.

“Education makes a person self-reliant and self-less.” Rigveda
The aim of education is to acquire vidya, i.e.; wisdom and gain a deeper understanding of oneself, the world and the ultimate reality. It is viewed as a transformative journey towards spiritual growth and liberation (moksha). From a child’s early explorations into life through play, through years of formal education, humans eventually aspire to reach a state of being: Read More

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Vidyashram Balwadi. Here, you will find a unique, vibrant school, supported by a highly skilled and dedicated team of teachers and support staff.
I believe the journey through school is a special one, where the children are at the heart of the decisions we make. We ensure they are happy, confident, inspired, and thus strive towards independent learning and academic success. Read More >>
BVB Vidyashram - Balwadi
Once a Bhavanite always a Bhavanite. Balwadi as its name suggest Bal means kids and wadi means Garden, is a beautiful garden of kids. Kids of today are the future of tomorrow so here in Balwadi we nurture them with love and care so that they develop intellectually, physically, emotionally and socially to become productive learners effective communicators and responsible citizens. Our school lays great emphasis on inculcating in its students the rich Indian cultural heritage and tradition as we are an institution with Indian heart and soul. We believe in imparting educational experience that is world-class in every respect and prepare children for global citizenship.
Experienced Teachers
The teachers at Balwadi are very soft spoken, gentle with cheerful personality. There vast experience in the field of teaching make them caring, compassionate and committed to the social and academic development of every child.They gently encourage the creative expression while providing array of learning opportunities to the children. They empower kids to achieve their goal. They all collectively develop a learning methodology which is fused with fun, music, art and play.
Balwadi is located at Heart of the town..
Child Friendly Infrastructure, Air Cooled, Well-Ventilated and Well Lighted Classrooms.
Special Focus
At Balwadi we follow Holistic learning approach as it emphasizes the importance of physical, emotional and psychological well being of our little kiddos..
We do this by building a strong and trusting relationship. .
Identifying child interest. .
Creating an engaging and inviting environment.
Supporting children in learning at their own pace.
Be A Part Of My Journey
Glimpse of BVB Balwadi Annual Day 2024

Workshop on: Teacher Improvement Training Programme
The session going on with an energetic mode by Smt. Ranjana Joshi, the keynote speaker of the day.
Smt. Ranjana Joshi, the former Principal of Birla Vidya Niketan, Delhi, a social entrepreneur, poetess and actress, an excellent communicator and mentor was the Resource Person. She was accompanied by Ms. Tara Choudhary. In her session ' Teacher Improvement Quality Programme' Smt. Joshi elucidated that the students are the most important stakeholders of a school. She also mentioned that to survive as teacher 3 bones are needed- wishbone, backbone and a funny bone. She went on to explain that curriculum development is the key to effective learning. It can be covered in different ways following the theory that every child has a talent. She emphasized on making teachers qualities as their USP. The speaker focused on effective teaching techniques to improve teaching and simplified Bloom's Taxonomy. Smt. Joshi expatiated on making Teamwork as a habit. She maintained that teachers' should make students their partners to improve their quality of teaching.
The next part of the session was taken over by Ms. Tara Choudhary, who presented an integrated lesson plan. The session concluded with a task of preparing integrated lesson plans. It was quite an enriching session with enthralling participation.
Our Multi-Level Kindergarten Programs cater to the age group of 2-5 years with a curriculum focusing on the holistic development of the children:
2.5 - 3.5 Years
Entry Level
3.5 - 4.5 Years
4.5 - 5.5 Years
Our Latest Activities
At BVB Balwadi we strike a perfect balance between academic and co-curricular activities. Every week we engage our little Bhavanites in number of activities which helps in their overall development. We ensure that a child comes and leave the premises with a smile.
Some of the activities of the school are:

What Parent Says About
Our Online Classes Efforts

Anay Gupta – UKG
Lockdown for kids is not easy. Engaging them into constructive and learning approach is highly motivated by BVB Teachers.
Thank you for such initiatives.
Ms. Sonal Gupta

Advita Sharma – UKG
The dedicated efforts of the Teachers of BVB Vidyashram for bringing education along with fun to the kids during these difficult times have been exemplary, and we the parents appreciate them for keeping our kids engaged and smiling.
Kindly accept our heartfelt gratitude to you as you are no less than a HERO to us…